Worthy is the Lamb

I am not sure what to think of this composition. My own mother called it "laborious" and having spent 15 hours in hard labor giving birth to me, she would know. But I still like it. The lyrics are taken loosely from the words of Isaiah and from John 3:16. I feel that it represents a progression in our understanding of and appreciation for the gift the Only Begotten Son of our Heavenly Father. I don't think any of us understand how hard that was for our Father in Heaven. Yes, even though He loves each one of us, the whole world in fact, that He was willing to "give" His Son. That doesn't mean it was easy.
The choir begins with a little fugue, going through the motions, chanting "worthy, worthy", referring to the Lamb. Not until page three of the score do we get to hear what the Lamb was worthy of. The choir acknowledges the Lamb being slain for the sins of the world. But what does that mean? "For God so loved the world..." When the enormity of our Father's gift is revealed the choir sings in quiet awe: "His Son, His Son, His Only Begotten Son", and now we recognize the depth of our Father's (and His Son's) sacrifice. Christ was like nothing else under creation. Unqiue in every way, born to die, that only through Him may we have eternal life.
A quite organ interlude lets us ponder the boundless gift of love that is offered to each of us. When the choir joins again, it is with conviction and testimony of the atonement of Jesus Christ.
I hope you don't find this laborious. If you do find it useful, please provide feedback. I would love to hear what you think.
Written for SSAATTBB choir with organ accompaniment.