Emmanuel, Our King of Kings

Another of my attempts to write something for the first composing compepetition sponsored by Millennial Choirs and Orchestras...before I knew the rules: under 4 minutes, simple accompaniment. Oh well, at least I was inspired to try something like this again.
This song probalby feels like it has a bit of a split personality. Each verse has a distinct style, which is intentional. The first verse represents ancient prophets waiting for millenia for the promise Savior to come. Fast forward to a scene of Mary and Joseph traveling to Bethlehem; Mary, great with child, swaying to and fro on the back of a donkey. Verse three celebrates the Saviors birth with "numberless concourses of angels in the attitude of praise". This verse was has a marhsall feel to it because I have to assume they were also standing guard. The fourth verse acknowledges the writings of modern prophets to tell, retell and testify of the divine mission of Jesus Christ. The final verse turns inward and has each of us offering a broken heart and a contrite spirit that we may learn to sing the song of His redeeming love.
Written for SSAATTBB adult choir and SATB youth choir, with symphony orchestra accompaniment.