Come, Feed My Sheep

I currently sing with Millennial Choirs and Orchestras, an "all faiths, all voices" choral movement spanning five states in the western US. We recently performed a work by Dr. Joni Jensen from our Texas chapter called Come After Me, which expresses the idea of "taking up the cross" and following Christ (and is absolutely gorgeous). For some reason, as we rehearsed that number my mind kept turning to the phrase "feed my sheep" and Dr. Jensen's number naturally led me to Come, Follow Me. I decided to attempt to meld these two ideas together in a manner that (only just barely) hints at what I felt while performing Come After Me. This is the result. This is not your typical church choir number. There is a lot of deliberate dissonance that takes a long time to resolve. So have a good listen to it before you try to use it. It will be easy for parts to get pulled off track, so every vocal part will need to be very confident.
Also a note about the accompaniment. You'll see there's not much to it. It is dirt simple, and deliberately so, because I wanted the focus to be on the choir. You can try it without the accompaniment, but I think it can help the choir stay on track.
Written for SATB choir with piano accompaniment.