How Great Thou Art

Ranked second, after “Amazing Grace”, on the list of favorite hymns of all time, this has always held a special place in my heart. I’ve sung the version in the 1985 edition of the hymn book of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints countless of times. By my true appreciation of this hymn began when I sang the version arranged by Brett Stewart, co-founder of Millennial Choirs and Orchestras. That version defies description here, but it cause the message of this hymn (“…He bled and died to take away my sin…”) to become something more than words and notes on a page.
This arrangement is my poor attempt to capture what I feel now whenever I sing this sacred hymn. It is nothing like either version mentioned above, and therefore will be very unfamiliar to any who wish to use it. Vocal practice tracks are available on request. A skilled organist is required.
Written for SSAATTBB choir with organ accompaniment.