Father, Whose Everlasting Love

An original hymn. Submitted to the "new music" initiative sponsored by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
One person I hope to meet in the grand eternal reunion is Charles Wesley. This man, despite living in the 1700s, had more knowledge of the truth of the Gospel of Jesus Christ than many people today. His inspired words are set to music in our current hymn book in familiar and perhaps surprising places, such as Christ the Lord is Ris'n Today, Rejoice the Lord is King, and let us not forget the MOTAB favorite, Love Divine All Loves Excelling.
I have been fascinated by Wesley's words for many years, and have wanted to try setting them to music. I've never done a traditional hymn before, but something about the bare honesty of his words prompted me to try this format first. This is voiced for SATB and may be accompanied by the piano or organ, or sung a Capella.
I hope you find the music equal to the words. If you have occasion to use this work, please let me know how it goes.
Written for SATB congregation and organ accompaniment.